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“Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child”

January 30, 2018

Carlin was right, here they come for SS, pension and retirement money. They want it back…

When they say after tax reform (which gave corporations money to continue to outsource… employee bonuses are NOT new hires!) they want pension and social security reform, understand what that means…

They just transferred wealth from the taxpayer to the corporation. Many not even in America, let alone not paying taxes in America…

Some even got a tax refund…

Okay, good for them. Now let’s see some money kicked back to the American people..


How about jobs! Any manufacturing jobs coming back to America?


There is nothing forcing the corporations to hire or build in America…

Hence the bonuses…

It’s free money they can throw around. But they aint throwing it on the American worker.

Your job is to buy cheap crap from China and Mexico. And to become MORE like Mexico.

Hence the DACA/Amnesty setup.


So basically the reason the Corporate Tax Cut and DACA came back to back, was because it serves the Corporate globalist agenda.

Instead of investing in America and American workers, that “stimulus” is being invested overseas, to continue the exodus of manufacturing and skilled labor out of the country, and to the 3rd world.

You can’t import unskilled labor to compete with native unskilled labor, and expect low crime and low poverty. You are in fact subsidizing poverty, therefore stimulating crime. And penalizing the American worker, the American taxpayer, and the American citizen who has had the door to the American Dream of upward mobility SLAMMED IN HIS FACE! With a paid mob of agitators, white/minority/and gender dysphoria empowered to scapegoat, demagogue and violently attack, and ostracize them from society.

See the big picture…

War ongoing, corporate profits rising, corporate taxes cut, and austerity for you.

If you want to grow the economy by shaving corners to hire Americans, fine.

But if you want to grow the economy by shaving corners to hire illegals, you have declared war on the American worker, and the American citizen.

Health care was a tax, environmental regulations are a tax, our taxes got raised, raised, and raised AGAIN! And corporations and the top of the pyramid got theirs cut, and even got subsides on top of not paying taxes.

Ayn Rand would applaud.

This is the makers getting to take from the people, and calling them takers and freeloaders for their trouble.

What is their offense? Why do the elite hate us so much?

Because we exist.

That’s it.

They have all they want… and simply are offended that we get to breathe the same polluted air. And drink the same polluted water. And eat the same poisoned foodlike product… that they made us pay them for in the 1st place.

I can see why the rich hate us.

We are pretty good at oppressing ourselves and demanding more oppression for ourselves, God Help Us!

We have accepted our training to stimulus to conditioned response to the point that it has become our identity.

And yet we wonder when we have a moment to think. Why we are so unhappy and unfulfilled.

Sheep do not get to question nor reason. They exist to work or be exploited for the gain of others.

Now the liberals are telling us it is a virtue to be exploited for the gain of welfare for others, while corporations tell us our existence only matters if we can be exploited for profit.

And what do we get?

A vote from the corporations on who of the two they select, we get to “pick” as warden.

These experiments with the likes of outsiders as the Paul klan, Trump, even Bernie (who is more insider than anything…) and the inevitable capitulation and prostration to the corporate machine that is politics… proves that expecting ANYTHING from government FOR the betterment of the common man is heresy at it’s best, and insanity at it’s worst.

We have tried everything… and still we are face down in the gutter, in the back alley, with the enforcer thrusting our face in the storm drain.

As powerless as we have ever been.

But we feel better…

It feels good to see corporate profits up! And rich people happy…

If they are happy, we are happy…

It distracts us from our intellectual and physical starvation and malnutrition.

And if we ever want a crumb, that passes for our daily bread. All we have to do is show our fealty to our Lords, by savaging verbally or physically, anyone who doesn’t conform.

Don’t speak out, don’t speak up. Don’t organize. Don’t meet without a permit. Don’t call, don’t text, don’t email…

And if you do… You will be made to pay.

You will be sorry…

I have to, you see…

I am one of the good people.

And I know I am good because I am agreeable. And agree with people who have made their life’s work to know better than me. What I am capable of. And certainly what I deserve.

I have no right to speak.

I have no right to think.

I am Deplorable!

Make me a better person.

Show me how to live.

Love me, love me PLEASE!

I will never know how to love myself.

I will give you my body…

I will give you my soul…

Save me!

You are my salvation!

Yes, people I don’t know and will never know.

I will turn my back on all I know…

If only you would love me…

Then I will be worthy of love,

… and will finally love myself.

This is sickness.

We are addicted to the virus.

And we are the disease.

Just give me my fix, I will do whatever it takes, Sir! Er… Xer/Xe!

I exist to serve you, the Corporate State.

“That’s why they call it the American Dream… because you have to be asleep to beLIEve it.”

Carlin was right.

Now, Back to Room 101…

My guard says it’s time for another “session…”

So I can submit to their “truth”

“Now son, let’s do better than last time… You want to do better than last time don’t you?

Now repeat after me… I deserve it… I deserve it… I deserve it…”


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