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“It Shall Come To Pass…” Justice Be Done, Though TYT Shall FALL!

November 9, 2017



If you trivialize actual terrorism…

while you MAGNIFY hoaxes!!!

You not only are aiding and abetting terrorism…

You are carrying out, your own form of political intimidation, using violence, by proxy…

That is right, by excusing actual deadly acts of terrorism, and eviscerating people for PC crimes against social justice… You put US ALL IN DANGER! Even your friends in New York, YOU CUNT!

And when it’s not Muslim terrorists, it’s “Violent, Radicalized, Single Issue, Homegrown, Domestic Terrorists/Extremists…” like ANTIFA, you are covering for, and blatantly ENDORSING!

Now what explains the symbiotic relationship between TYT and ANTIFA?

Why The Young Turks & Antifa Are A Cult

They are a cult.

Antifa/RefuseFacism/BAMN…. all run by the same playbook…

Now what do you get, apologies and excuses for political violence…

And these same demented individuals calling THIS violence…

Look at that list again…

Now look at the ANTIFA/Berkeley riots…

And who are they calling violent again?

Ohh!!! Those who freely associate to engage in free speech in America!

They even back armed “resistance” like THIS:

But condemn it… when it turns into THIS:

They have to run for cover, like the people who were being shot at… when it is revealed that an ANTIFA TYT Bernie Sanders supporter attempted to murder Republicans in DC.

And if that wasn’t enough… We now have THIS:

Mocking the assault of a Republican Senator…

Notice the difference…???

If you make up lies about your enemies… you are endorsed and celebrated by the left…

If you physically assault them… you make them fodder for unfunny jokes, to the only most demented mind…

But if you take up arms… and swear to act violently… preemptively…

You are heroes to TYT!

Now who funds ANTIFA/RefuseFascism & TYT

He even funds Cenk Ugyur’s PAC……

So we have George Soros funding an outlet that calls for political violence, hires and trains people for political violence… and now is engaging in acts of political violence, against GOP Senators and Congressmen… while Bernie Sanders, and TYT, disavow their own supporters, who are not only advocating, but PARTICIPATING in acts of organized political violence…

…and are DEMANDING Soros pay UP! For their services…

Well, Soros sure pulled some strings to get Cenk his 20 MILLION!!!

Question: What does George Soros expect in return for 20 MILLION!!! from a Youtube channel…

At least Cenk sent Ana to BEG!

20 MILLION just bought George Soros one HELL of a political advertisement…

Thankfully money can’t buy everything…

So basically, we have a Billionaire, who is dedicated to overthrowing democracies, and sovereign nations, then bringing refugees from those nations and 3rd world countries, here in America…

What’s the harm?

Ask the people in lower Manhattan…

Notice TYT didn’t do that…

They just gave their opinion on the violence in Manhattan…

And we all know what they say about opinions…

But sadly, if you follow TYT’s logic…

You may end up dead…

Even if you are one of the chosen people, who are in the TYT inner circle, and a friend of such.

Chickens come home to roost.

Unless you take action.

It’s a shame that TYT and the left wants to take action on the survivors, using the blood/corpses of the victims as their soapbox…

It’s time to do the proper thing, and put TYT in their place.

It’s the same place they callously call for the rest of us to lay, for eternity…

Forgive us, if we do not choose to go silently into that goodnight…

And if you can’t, we cannot and will not forgive you… for what you have done… and continue to do…

May the blood of the innocents, remain on your hands…

We will haunt you… until we have justice…

It shall come to pass…

Defend yourselves…

Take action…

Speak to TYT in the only language they understand…

The Young Turks Studio 
Address: 6363 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: (210) 200-8240


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