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To sum up Austin Peterson’s views…

September 21, 2012


To sum up Austin‘s views… Pro moving Rand from his father’s principles, over to Mitt Romney‘s poll driven principles. Covertly, supporting Mitt Romney, while claiming to support Gary Johnson to throw people off… Playing the “denier” card, in order to shoot any messenger, through slander and logical fallacies, when they DARE disagree with his opportunistic, views and self interests… Using the capital of a great man… Judge Nap, to ingratiate himself into the liberty movement, only to divide it, declare war on it, and assimilate it into silence and irrelevance in the GOP, just like how the “Brand Paulers,” did the same by abandoning/sabotaging his father’s 2nd campaign, only to get jobs with mainstream establishment Republicans like Jesse Benton did with McConnell…the minute they decided to bring it to a halt/// RIGHT when the delegates were fighting for Ron Paul!!! And if you DARE to have ANY problem with this…. your whatever senseless label Austin can come up with, off the top of his head. The Ninja is doing his damnedest to slice Ron Paul’s movement into being errand boys for the Mitt Romney Republicans…. An oxymoron, if I have EVER heard one! That’s where we are, the grassroots fighting for RP principles, and the establishment special forces infilTRAITORS, who are trying to self destruct this movement after cutting out its heart… Ron Paul’s principles, and his admirable abhorrence to EVER compromise them… The grassroots are fighting the establishment to preserve the movement, others like Hunter and Peterson, want to cut it (to pieces) and kill it…. Going forward remind yourself why you got involved in the first place, was it to fight for Ron Paul’s principles and NO compromise! Or Austin Peterson’s and Jack Hunter’s belief in ONLY compromise. Think about that moving forward, and pick your side accordingly… But remember, one is a LIBERTY movement, and another is an establishment marketing campaign, to preserve their power structure and authority OVER you! Which one are you willing to lay it all on the line and fight for… (“You must choose, but… choose wisely, for one may bring you life, the other will only bring you DEATH!”)

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