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RE: The Monetary Myth

March 29, 2013


Money should not be a commodity. It should merely be a means of exchange. The emphasis on money to imprint value on society leads to distortion of value, values, and needless waste in a finite environment. There is no need for money to allocate and distribute for needs in society. And in so doing, all money does is exacerbate needs. Money has outlived it’s usefulness to anyone but the bankers who created it, and their agents who control it. The people deserve better. And propping up a failed paradigm only sentences them to less, and not more. Let alone what they deserve. All money does is create welfare for the rich, which leads to waste of resources and want for the poor. And the near poor. (Middle class). The monetary myth, has been an abject failure. And needs to be replaced, IF we are to maintain an orderly existence, instead of the chaos of our permanent disorder. I respect Tom’s view. But it has become defending an ideology, in absence of reason, and account for what that ideology preserves and destroys. Humanity deserves better, than profit for profits sake on the back of the downtrodden, whose numbers only increase, under this system and paradigm. Artificial scarcity is the problem. And money exacerbates that problem. When your value system penalizes production in the name of promoting artificial scarcity, for profit. Then you have taken the side of the master, and not the slave. That is no liberation. That is despotism and tyranny. Monetary production IS the very definition of moral hazard on a finite resource environment such as our planet. There is no such thing as “infinite growth,” Cancer is a growth, and once it is done, all is dead and left nothing but a vast wasteland. That is not sustainable. That is suicide.


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